Biofield Tuning Practitioner
PSYCH-K® Facilitator

Hi, I'm Sheila

My healing journey began at 18. Over the years I tried many things to heal childhood trauma – talk therapy, bodywork, acupuncture, yoga, ayurveda, kinesiology, and mindfulness just to name a few.
In 2018, when I read Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself, I realized that none of these approaches addressed the core issue - which was my nervous system and brain had been hijacked by stress hormones from PTSD and childhood trauma. 

This was the missing piece - my subconscious mind. This was the reason the same patterns kept repeating in my life. As I started to rewire my nervous system and subconscious mind I saw immediate changes in my energy, mindset, and physical body.

Through daily meditation and breathwork, my nervous system recalibrated, my brain became more coherent and my heart expanded. I felt more joy, gratitude and love in my life. Synchronicities and miracles began appearing. 

When I finally understood that we are multi-dimensional beings made of energy, consciousness & matter I realized that healing must address all three for real change to occur. 
This sent me on a quest for modalities that reprogram the subconscious mind and transform energy & consciousness. I fell in love with PSYCH-K® and Biofield Tuning. Now as a practitioner I get to share this paradigm-shifting work with you. 

When you get all three of these things working together - energy, consciousness & matter - you become coherent, aligned and attuned. And that’s where the magic happens! 

Idealistic & principled - want to make a difference in the world. 

Profoundly passionate & thrive on deep, reflective thought. 

Driven by deep desire to find and live their life purpose. 

Value deep, authentic relationships.
Thoughtful and compassionate.


Guiding values of 33/6 are love, balance and harmony.

33/6 are idealistic, creative, devoted, spiritual, supportive & sensitive.

33/6 are compassionate, nurturing, insightful & great listeners.

The mission of 33/6 is to bring higher love to the world.

33/6 Master Healer

Scorpio Sun - I love exploring the psyche and acquiring self-knowledge. 

Scorpio Ascendant - I’m sensitive, highly mystical and intensely passionate.

Mercury in Scorpio - I’m adept at finding the source of any problem or issue. 

Neptune in Scorpio - I’m fascinated by the inner workings of nature & the soul. 


My Astrology, Numerology &
Myers Briggs Highlights:

Jeanne Willson, Virginia

Biofield Tuning was all very new to me. Sheila made me feel perfectly at ease and explained everything so I was totally relaxed.

I felt so clear after the session, like all those niggling irritations were gone. I felt like my energy was restored. Amazing! Can't wait for my next session!

Mental Clarity & Energy Restored

Elizabeta K, UK

I was curious about PSYCH-K® and have tried many different therapies and healing methods already. I have to say that I never experienced such a powerful shift that could be felt in your body and in your mind like with PSYCH-K®.

Working with Sheila was amazing. She is open & knowledgeable. Her approach gave me the feeling that I am safe & in competent hands. It is unbelievable how fast it worked. I felt such a relief inside of me - like something was removed that was blocking me. My negative beliefs about relationships are gone & I am ready to start my new life. 

Negative Beliefs About Relationships Are Gone

- Patricia Dirlam, Maine

Sheila’s caring nature & loving presence created a safe space for me to explore some issues that have plagued me for a very long time.

I experienced a sense of lightness & hope afterward which enabled me to continue a creative project that I was really stuck on before the session. I feel lucky to have found Sheila & look forward to future sessions. 

Helped with Creativity Blocks

Client Gratitude

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Ground, center & align your energy with the grounding sequence used in Biofield Tuning

Grounding Centering Activation

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