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Get Grounded in 8 Minutes! 

This guided audio starts with grounding breaths &
then we activate your Earth Star, Sun Star & Central Channel with a tuning fork. 

This recording is an actual Biofield Tuning opening sequence & includes the energetic hologram of every person who will ever listen to it. 

So, it’s like getting a mini tune-up any time you need!

I truly hope this supports you in feeling more grounded, centered & coherent. 

Much love, 

Grounding Centering Activation

Download this free Mini Tuning

Jeanne Willson, Virginia

After the Tuning session I felt 'clear,' all those niggling irritations were gone. I felt my energy was restored. 

Lizette Pirtle, South Carolina

The sessions I had with Sheila were instrumental to the healing process I was going through last year. 

Connie Leimbach, Australia

I love the way Sheila tunes in with heart and wisdom in her sessions.

Reviews for Biofield Tuning with Sheila