Upgrade Your Frequency with Biofield Tuning

You may not consciously remember the event, but an imprint gets stored in the subconscious mind, the fascia of the body, and the energy field. 

Biofield Tuning is a groundbreaking sound therapy that finds and corrects blocked energy using therapeutic frequencies. 

What is Biofield Tuning?

The tuning forks simultaneously detect spots of dissonance and entrain your biofield & body with harmony and coherence.

Biofield Tuning works with every level of your multidimensional self – body, mind, and spirit.

The accumulation of energy blocks influences your thoughts, behaviors, and personality and even manifests as physical symptoms.

In addition to the energetic imprints of your past experiences, the daily stress of modern life, exposure to EMF, cell phones, toxins, disconnection from nature, etc. all create stress and chaos in the body, brain, and energy field. 

By putting beneficial frequencies into your biofield your body’s innate intelligence recognizes and entrains itself with the harmonic sound waves. This allows you to raise your voltage, increase your energy flow, and get the ‘noise out of your signal.’
And when you emit a clearer signal, you experience greater harmony in ALL areas of your life. You become magnetic.

You are energy. You are electric.


If you want to see what a Biofield Tuning session is all about watch the video below where I receive a distance session from my friend and fellow Biofield Tuning practitioner, Peter Bajic. This session was recorded as part of the Energy & Consciousness Summit which I produced in April 2021.

Get tuned!


  • Relaxes your body
  • Recalibrates your nervous system
  • Creates coherence
  • Activates your body’s innate intelligence to heal
  • Restores balance and order
  • Increases your voltage
  • Aligns you with your highest self
  • Deeply grounds you

Benefits of Biofield Tuning

  • Connects you to Divine Oneness
  • Relieves stress
  • Expands your consciousness
  • Strengthens your resilience
  • Boosts your intuition
  • Transforms subconscious beliefs & patterns,
  • Improves sleep
  • Increases self-love and self-awareness

I particularly love helping clients tune their businesses, careers, projects, and job interviews. They report getting immediate results like increased income and more sales, new clients, more clarity with their messaging, less overwhelm and resistance to marketing, and increased energy and creativity.

The beauty of Biofield Tuning is that you can tune pretty much everything in your life. If it is made of energy or consciousness, it can be tuned.

There are infinite possibilities for the ways Biofield Tuning can support you.

Everything can be tuned! 

book your session

 If you are new to Biofield Tuning a Group Tuning session is a fabulous way to try it out. 

Each group tuning session will have a theme or topic that is relevant and timely. They are done via Zoom and are 60-minute sessions.
In group tunings, the power of intention is used to include the hologram of every person who attends live or will ever listen to the recording on the treatment table. Replays contain the same healing energy as the live session.
The benefits of the Group Biofield Tuning Sessions are:
  • It helps navigate and integrate the energetics of the collective
  • It helps navigate and integrate the energetics of the earth, moon and planets
  • It amplifies the healing energy and sends out big ripples to the collective as we transform collective patterns, trauma, and societal programming.
  • It creates a connection with community
  • It’s a more affordable option for many people 

Group Biofield Tuning Sessions


Register for the next Group Biofield Tuning session

book group session

Group Sessions are a fabulous way to try out Biofield Tuning. They are also a great addition to one-to-one sessions. Healing in community is powerful!

Group Sessions - $20



book your 1-1 session

A single online session is a great option if you're new to Biofield Tuning or prefer to pay as you go. You can get profound results from just one session. 

60 minutes - $150 



book a Package of 3

Get the cumulative benefits with a Package of 3 Sessions. If you are new to Biofield Tuning it's recommended to begin with 1 session per week for 3 weeks. 

3 Sessions - $405



- Kirsten Graham, florida

I was feeling overwhelmed leading up to the launch of a new program. I had several one on one sessions with Sheila and a Business Tuning session along with my business partner. We both felt calmer and more focused after the sessions. It cleared the mental fog and gave us the clarity we needed for a smooth launch. 

We were so happy with the results for our business, we hired Shelia to do a Group Biofield Tuning for our clients.  The response was impressive – everyone reported feeling more centered and focused! I highly recommend Biofield Tuning with Shelia if you feel overwhelmed! 

Immediate Results for My Business

- Connie Leimbach, Australia

I love the Biofield Tuning sessions I’ve had with Sheila over the past few months. I had a number of profound experiences shifting scarcity mindset and opening flow and the very next day I received a bunch of orders for my business.

I also noticed big shifts where my reactions changed in certain situations - things that used to bother me just didn't anymore. I love the way Sheila tunes in with heart and wisdom in her sessions. I highly recommend Biofield Tuning with Sheila! 

Profound Shifts With My Money Mindset

- Lizette Pirtle, South Carolina

Over several months I had several Biofield Tuning Sessions with Sheila that were an instrumental part of the healing process I was going through. The sessions were extremely relaxing and supportive, both during the session and afterwards.

The sessions increased my general sense of wellbeing providing what I needed to heal. It is amazing how powerful these virtual sessions can be. If you are seeking support in your healing journey, I recommend getting Biofield Tuning with Sheila.

Instrumental Part of My Healing Process

Client Gratitude

In Biofield Tuning, coherent frequencies from the tuning forks give information to your body so it can tune itself.

Explore some frequently asked questions


A: It’s recommended to start with three sessions - one per week for three weeks.
Most clients see significant improvement with the first three sessions. However, ongoing sessions offer deeper layers of healing. Each session is cumulative.

I offer a package of 3 Biofield Tuning sessions at a discounted rate. Book a package here.


A: Biofield Tuning restores order to the system by redirecting stuck energy back into circulation. This allows the body’s innate intelligence to heal itself.
Symptoms of “dis-ease” manifest from disorder in your electrical system. Biofield Tuning works at the level of the root cause – your electrical system. It can relieve a variety of issues such as stress, anxiety, insomnia, PTSD, digestive problems, and so much more. By activating energy flow in the central channel and biofield, electrical order is restored recalibrating you to a state of calm, peace, balance, order, and coherence.
For people who have environmental, chemical, or EMF sensitivity, regular tuning can increase their voltage and help them strengthen their central channel and biofield so they can enjoy activities that they previously had to avoid.
Biofield Tuning can transform habitual, negative thinking-feeling loops that keep you dwelling on the past or stuck in emotional states of anger, resentment, powerlessness, disappointment, regret, or guilt. It can liberate you from the deepest, oldest subconscious patterns.  


A: Biofield Tuning is a gentle sound therapy method, but there are certain cautions.

  • Pregnancy or planning to conceive
  • Cancer or terminal illness
  • Pacemaker or heart condition
  • Concussion or head injury in the last 6 months
  • Recent broken bones
  • Currently taking medications

If any of the above conditions apply to you Biofield Tuning might not be appropriate at this time.
However, if my work and approach resonate deeply with you, let’s discuss how to support you with PSYCH-K®, meditation, and breathwork. Book a chat here.


A: It is highly recommended to be well hydrated before and after your session due to the sound-conductive properties of water.
It is also recommended to take a bath with magnesium flakes or epsom salt after your session. If you don’t have a bathtub, a foot soak with magnesium flakes or epsom salt is a great option.
When possible, it’s beneficial to plan your day to create space for downtime right after your session. Avoid being overly busy on the day of your session. It’s also beneficial to go to bed early that evening.
Be kind and gentle with yourself. Nurture your inner child. This goes a long way in helping you to get the most from your sessions.
Read more about preparing and integrating your session here.


A: Everything is electric. You are electric.
The strength of your voltage is directly related to your health and vitality. Patterns of disease are often evident in the energy system years before they manifest in the physical body.
Increasing your voltage and working to correct energetic patterns is essential for improving your health and well-being. Addressing your health from an electric approach is more effective than trying to treat symptoms.


A: Eileen McKusick is the founder of Biofield Tuning. She is the author of Tuning the Human Biofield and Electric Body, Electric Health. She's a leading authority in electric health research.
Over 20+ years of research and observations, Eileen McKusick mapped the information that is found in the biofield. With her ability to understand the language of frequency, she created The Biofield Anatomy Map which shows where patterns of emotions, mindsets, and traumas typically reside in the biofield.


A: Biofield Tuning and PSYCH-K® have a powerful synergy together.
After one or more Biofield Tuning sessions, having a PSYCH-K® session allows you to harness your new frequency and wire in powerful new beliefs that move your life in the direction of your goals and dreams.
By scheduling a PSYCH-K® after a tuning session, your system is more relaxed, receptive, and open to possibilities which makes the PSYCH-K® even more effective. You get more bang for your buck with the new beliefs you're planting.
Also, PSYCH-K® can be helpful with integrating a Biofield Tuning session. If there is any discomfort after a tuning session, maybe suppressed emotions surfacing or detox symptoms a PSYCH-K® session can create more ease with the integration process.

Q: DO you offer Online, Distance, and Remote Sessions?

A: I offer sessions online, by phone, or remotely. If you’ve been on your healing journey for a while you might already be familiar with distance or remote healing.
With online distance sessions, we are connected during the session by Zoom or phone.
With remote sessions, we are connected by intention (not by video or phone), at the agreed appointment time. It is ideal if you are relaxing & receiving during the appointment time even though we are not on a call, but sometimes that’s not possible. Either way, I record the session and send you the recording.
Remote sessions are a great option when there are tech problems or Wi-Fi outages that interfere with your scheduled online or phone session. Remote sessions are also a blessing when transportation problems prevent you from getting home in time for your appointment.

The Beauty of Online Sessions
  • Regardless of where you live you can have a Biofield Tuning session.
  • If you live in a rural area or a state where there are no Biofield Tuning practitioners locally, an online session is available to you.
  • It gives you freedom and flexibility.
  • It saves you time, stress & expense of travel.
  • It allows you to stay in your jammies and be in the comfort of your own home.
  • For many sensitive people, online sessions offer a level of safety that allows them to do deeper work and get the most out of a session.

Book your Biofield Tuning session here