This is 9-minute meditation helps you train and recalibrate your nervous system with heart-centered breathing and elevated emotions. Use this meditation daily, or anytime you need to get coherent. Heart-brain coherence is like a muscle, it develops with practice and repetition. Enjoy! 

Moving Into The Heart 

The intention of this meditation is to become deeply grounded, relaxed and open. Awareness is brought to the top of the head, the fontanelle which translates to Fountain of Light and then opening to the energy of Oneness. Bringing deeper awareness of one's own presence & energy in this sense of stillness. Enjoy!

Fountain of Light Meditation

Self Healing With Self Love is a 27-minute meditation beginning with grounding and awareness to your breath. Then moving into the heart and expanding into love. Then turning that love inwards for self-healing. Enjoy!

Self Healing With Self Love

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I love sharing resources that help others on their healing journey.

Recommended Reading

A free video series. 
Coming soon!

Energy & Consciousness Summit

This 20-minute guided meditation helps you harness the vibrant, nourishing & healing energy of the sun to energize as well as bring clarity & focus. Opening & allowing the radiant sun to reset, renew, recode & rewire the brain, heart, nervous system, and energy centers of the body. It brings heart-brain coherence & alignment. 

Radiant Sun Meditation